Your Voice. Your Vote. Your Future.

We know that voting is critical to ensuring a healthy, safe, and empowered future for us, our families, and our communities. We also know that new challenges to the voting process posted by the COVID-19 global pandemic, along with pre-existing systemic and historical barriers to the voting booth for communities of color, have made our collective commitment to civic engagement even more critical.As one of the oldest and largest women's organizations in the country, we are especially committed to doing our part to make sure women get to the polls and that our experiences and needs are valued, represented, and made a priority to those we elect to public office. That's why we're working with 200+ YWCAs across 45 states and Washington, D.C. to help build political power in our communities.Make sure you and your friends and loved ones are registered to vote, be sure to double-check your registration, and develop a plan for voting well in advance of the election!This is your voice, your vote, your future.To register to vote, update your voter registration, and learn what's on your ballot, visit or Chelan and Douglas Counties Election Day is Tuesday, August 2nd, 2022. Ballots will be mailed out on July 15, 2022.


Enrichment Classes at YWCA NCW


Spring 2022 Newsletter