YWCA is on a mission and YWCA NCW is making it our own!

Black Lives Matter, Anti-Racism, YWCA North Central Washington

To empower women and eliminate racism, we must meet our clients where they are most vulnerable and provide the compassion and services that place them on a path to self-sufficiency and prosperity.

Our vision is that all women and their families can achieve their full potential in a world without discrimination.

This requires a focus on the future, anticipating the needs of our clients, and creating innovative solutions to the problems they most often face – poverty, unsafe living conditions, lack of reliable and affordable childcare, and under- or unemployment.

We are evolving our services to meet the changing needs of our clients today and in the future.

YWCA Thrift Store Grand Re-Opening, Equity, YWCA North Central Washington

We remain rooted in rich history, but our approach to serving our clients is holistic, strategic and innovative.

Nationally, YWCA advocacy issues include lobbying for pay equity and hate crimes legislation, increased funding for Head Start and passing the Violence Against Women Act. Locally, through our programs, we are changing lives and restoring hope for women, their families, and our community!

Homeless Housing

Hundreds of individuals face homelessness in NCW. Each night dozens of men, women, and children go without shelter. We want to change that.

  • Emogene's Emergency Shelter

    Emogene's Emergency Shelter

    Our emergency shelter provides interim housing and family services for women and children.

  • New Bridges Transitional Shelter

    New Bridges Transitional Shelter

    Offers women and children a safe place to stay while putting them on a path to permanent housing.

  • Bridges Permanent Supportive Housing

    Bridges Permanent Supportive Housing

    Offers affordable rental units to people who have experienced homelessness.

In Crisis?

Homeless Housing Help Number:
509-662-3531 Option 2

Visit Our Location:
212 First St. Wenatchee, WA
Mon-Fri 11am-3pm

Thrift Store

The YWCA Thrift Store features items generously donated by the community, with 100% of the proceeds directly supporting YWCA programs.

  • Shop


    Shop quality gently used items such as furniture, housewares, electronics, and clothing.

  • Donate


    All items have been generously donated by members of our community.

  • Volunteer


    Volunteer with us at the Thrift Store to help maintain the flow of donations.

  • Clothing Assistance

    Clothing Assistance

    We partner with 19 organizations to provide clothing to the communities most vulnerable.

  • Job Training

    Job Training

    YWCA NCW offers both YWCA residents and community members a comprehensive job training program.

Case Management Services

By helping community clients navigate different support systems, case management services empower community members to take control of their lives. YWCA NCW’s case management services for non-YWCA shelter clients include:

  • Confidential and non-judgmental support

    Confidential and non-judgmental support

    YWCA NCW helps all people regardless of age, sex, race, religion, or disability.

  • Assistance with finding basic needs

    Assistance with finding basic needs

    YWCA NCW can help you where you’re at. Whether you need to enroll with public assistance to gain food benefits, apply for a housing list, or to get you food and clothing.

  • Referrals and help finding social/health services

    Referrals and help finding social/health services

    YWCA NCW case management services can get you on track to making necessary medical and mental health appointments and/or supportive services.

  • General housing info and community referrals

    General housing info and community referrals

    YWCA NCW works with a network of housing providers. Case management services will support your journey in finding housing.

Relating to women and families is an essential component to the work that we do here at the YWCA. Our Economic Empowerment Program is dedicated to providing women and families with the financial information and tools they need in order to make informed financial decisions. Financial education, combined with support, resources and guidance can assist individuals in making those first steps towards an effective route out of poverty. The goal of the Economic Empowerment Program is to assist clients with taking charge of their financial situations.

Top Tips ↘

Economic Empowerment ↘

Advocacy & Outreach

We’ve been at the forefront of the biggest issues of the day for 160 years: from voting rights to civil rights, from affordable housing to pay equity and from violence prevention to health care reform. We carry on this long tradition of social action and advocacy to advance our mission — and you are a crucial part of this work. Your voice is critical as we advocate for policies that bring us closer to eliminating racism, empowering women, and ensuring peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all.

  • HallowQueens


    YWCA NCW’s annual fundraiser event.

    Learn More

  • Women's Empowerment Center

    Located in the YWCA NCW main building, the Women’s Empowerment Center is a place to host advocacy and community events.

    Learn More

  • Until Justice Just Is

    Until Justice Just Is

    A national initiative for a more just and inclusive world.

    Learn More

  • Juneteenth


    A celebration of black liberation and the abolishment of slavery in the United States.

    Learn More

  • Anti-Racism and Equity Training

    Anti-Racism and Equity Training

    Trainings and education on the topics of LGBTQ Issues, Power and Privilege, Homelessness, and/or Being an Ally.

    Learn More

  • EFSP


    YWCA NCW facilitates the Emergency Food and Shelter Program in Chelan and Douglas Counties. The program supplements and expands ongoing work of local nonprofit and governmental social service organizations to provide shelter, food and supportive services to individuals and families who are experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, hunger and/or homelessness.

    Learn More